Masterful Aesthetics Training

Model Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions, together with any and all other documents referred to herein, set out the terms of use under which you may use this website, (“Our Sites”) in addition to Our appointment and in clinic policies. Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully and ensure that you understand them. Your agreement to comply with and be bound by these Terms and Conditions is deemed to occur upon your first use of Our Site. If you do not agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms and Conditions, you must stop using Our site immediately.

Definitions and Interpretation

In these Terms and Conditions, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the following meanings:


Means to any and all technology, text, images, links, audio, video, graphics, animation, scripts, code, files, software, data, databases and any other form of information capable of being stored on a computer that appears on, or forms part of, Our Site:


Means any online communications infrastructure that is made available through Our Site ( either now or in the future. This may include, but is not limited to, contact forms, email, live chat and forums; and

“We/Us/Our/Company/Business/ CM London Medical”

Means CM LONDON MEDICAL, a company registered in England & Wales


Means the user of this website and/or recipient of the Services


Means any services performed by CM LONDON MEDICAL, which shall include without limitation any of the aesthetic treatments described on Our site, any aesthetic treatments offered but not otherwise listed on this site, any aesthetic treatments carried out by CM LONDON MEDICAL, face to face consultations, virtual consultations, contact via social media/email/phone, top-ups and reviews.

Information about Us

The site, is [owned and] operated by CM LONDON MEDICAL. Registered address 19 Boulevard Drive, Beaufort Park, London NW9 5JH.

Models Terms and Conditions

Your prompt attendance as a model to the training day is crucial to the course’s structure, as models having booked treatments supports the delegates with their learning needs. We kindly ask that you keep to your appointment times as scheduled, as we constantly need models for our delegates to practise on while being closely supervised by our trainers.

All models must be over the age of 18 and not be pregnant or breastfeeding, as we strictly abide by the most recent guidelines. A complete medical history will be gathered before any treatment is started, and all models will need to provide written, informed consent.

Every one of our model treatments is reserved based on the particular treatment area. Cosmetic models are not given the option to transfer partially used syringes to different treatment zones, and/or to any other models on the day of training.


If you decide to cancel a treatment that you have scheduled as a model, we do not offer refunds.

We may be able to transfer funds to a different treatment or appointment time if we are given at least two weeks’ notice before the treatment day. In this instance, if the model decided not to accept any further care, CM London Medical would still be paid.

Because the success of our training days depends on the appointments we make for models, we are unable to change our scheduled model appointments for treatment dates that are less than two weeks away.

In the event that a model cancels or misses their appointment, the company will keep the payment; there are no refunds and no opportunities for rescheduling.

If we are forced to cancel any model treatments due to an event that is beyond our control, such as an Act of God, terrorism, war, political upsurge, insurrection, riot, civil unrest, the act of civil or military authority, uprising, earthquake, flood, or any other natural or man-made eventuality, you will have the option to reschedule your model booking to a later date. In such cases, requests to cancel a treatment would be processed in compliance with our regular cancellation procedures.

Model Treatments

The goal of giving our models a discounted price is to educate the delegates only. The course delegates treat the models with care under the trainer’s supervision. To support a team-learning exercise and lead engaging practical sessions, several delegates will complete a thorough consultation and treatment plan for each model on the day of the course.

Model treatments are only done for aesthetic reasons, so the results can only be assessed subjectively. As such, although we offer some indication as to what is likely to happen, this should never be construed as a guarantee. Depending on the features of the treating practitioners, the results might be different from those of a more experienced practitioner. During this training exercise, we will use standard product doses and safe quantities, and we will inject standard landmarks in accordance with our curriculum guidelines.

Model suitability

Like any other medical procedure or intervention, a complete medical history and facial evaluation are required prior to treatment. As a training company, we instruct our delegates to adhere rigorously to the General Medical Council’s or JCCP guidelines. If we decide on a particular training day that you wouldn’t benefit from a treatment, we will not proceed and your money will be refunded. We strongly advise models to consider their options carefully before committing to any treatments, even though all treatments are provided at a discounted rate in order to educate delegates. Before receiving treatment, we encourage models to ask any questions to us.

We will need precise data from the models to make sure the right product is ordered and used to treat. For any mistakes or omissions in the information supplied, we disclaim all liability.

When you reserve some of our model treatments and packages, we may ask you to send  pictures of the treatment area chosen prior in order to assess suitability. We reserve the right to cancel and reimburse model treatments if we determine that the patient is not a good fit to demonstrate the treatment to others (delegates) for educational purposes.


The only incentive for models to attend our training sessions is the products’ discounted prices. We will not charge models retail or typical clinic prices because this is a training event. We strictly adhere to the GMC and JCCP guidelines with regards to offers for such treatments. This means that none of the treatments we offer will be given away as a “prize” or subject to an incentivised “buy one, get one free” offer. Every aesthetic treatment will be administered in the same way as any other kind of medical intervention, with the utmost care, vigilance and professionalism.

Occasionally, we may offer discounted prices for model treatments. There will be no retroactive application of this to any previously scheduled treatments. There will be no reimbursement if the treatment you have paid for is lowered, beginning immediately after your reservation. When money off model treatments are offered through coupon codes, only one code will be accepted per transaction. Coupon codes may have an expiration date and be restricted to particular treatments and dates. There will be no acceptance of coupon codes within these predefined limits.

Training date changes

We might occasionally need to reschedule your appointment. You will be informed in advance of this, and a new appointment time and date will be recommended that works for you. We expressly disclaim any liability for any travel or other expenses models may incur in order to attend an appointment.

Models Complaints Procedure

  1. Kindly contact us as soon as possible at 020 8616 5920 or if you believe a product side effect may occur following treatment. We’ll put you in contact with one of our lead physicians straight away.
  2. Kindly remember the following: The consent form that was signed on the day of treatment states that “Given the nature of the treating practitioners the results may not be the same as with a more experienced practitioner”. We administer the usual dosages and benchmarks for each treatment. You might not be able to receive the same customised result that you could from a trained professional in a clinic as a result.
  3. If you have any inquiries concerning asymmetry, kindly forward us a 30-second video of the region. If you require a review or correction, our model team will set up a time for you. In order to decide on the best course of action, we will review your medical history, your before and after photos, and the outcomes of your treatment during this consultation.
  4. Note that the consent form signed on the day of treatment specifies that standard safe product quantities are used during the training exercise.
  5. No refunds will be issued if a treatment or product fails to provide the expected outcome (for instance, if an anti-wrinkle treatment fails to soften wrinkles).


  1. We have review appointments to start and end our planned training days. We will try our best to get you in for a review appointment within 14 days of our  recommendations, but these are dependent on availability.
  2. Please allow 14 days for anti-wrinkle treatments and dermal filler to take full effect and/or settle. If you still have questions after this point, please email us and include a 30-second video of the area. One of our aesthetic trainers will provide any necessary recommendations or guidance after we have viewed the video. We may ask for a face-to-face review which our team will arrange for you.
  3. Please be advised that we are currently unable to comply with requests from models to reschedule review appointments.
  4. For anti-wrinkle treatments, review appointments are only available if they are requested 14 days after the initial procedure. All follow-up appointments for anti-wrinkle treatments must be booked within 14 days of the initial procedure. Requests submitted after this time frame will be regarded as new model treatments, necessitating standard reservation and payment processes.
  5. Should a correction be necessary; one will be given. There will be a fee for the additional product if the patient’s condition gets better after the treatment and more is required.
  6. Model reviews cannot be scheduled for after hours; appointments are only available during the times listed for the course.
  7. Following a Dermal Filler revision, patients are not eligible for further procedures until three months have passed.
  8. Patients will have reviews for Botulinum Toxin treatment within TWO weeks of the start of treatment.
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